Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)

Boston, MA


Project Status: Active

Timeline: 2018 – Present

Services Provided:

  • SMS
  • Security
  • Emergency Management
  • Fire/Life/Safety
  • Safety and Security Certification
  • Operations
  • FTA Directives
  • System Safety Support
  • OSHA Support
  • TSA-Mandated Security Training
  • Job Hazard Analyses
  • Carhouse and Garage PPE

Projects Completed

OSHA Support:
Lead the development of various OSHA-required plans, policies, and procedures.

Fire Life Safety Support:
Provided MBTA Safety with around-the-clock Fire Life Safety technical and engineering support services.

FTA Special Directive, PPE:
Provide support in their efforts to address the FTA’s Special Directive to standardize ROW PPE requirements.

Security and Emergency Management Support:
Provided MBTA with system-wide security and emergency management support, including the development of SOPs, a complete revision of the agency-wide COOP, designing and conducting TTX and FSX, providing on-call support, staffing the agency EOC, designing training programs, leading interagency coordination efforts, supporting the COVID-19 response.

TSA-Mandated Security Training:
Designed and implemented a 4-hour in-person and 2.5-hour virtual training session for just under 9,000 employees and contractors in 1 year.

System Safety Support Services:
Provide System Safety Support services for MBTA Safety, including full-time staffing for certification efforts.

Rulebook Revisions:
Support the revision and implementation of a new Operations Rulebook. Assess and revise the Authority’s Safety Rules compliance program. 

On-Call Safety Supports:
Provide the MBTA with general safety and engineering support services.

South Coast Rail FSX:
Designed and performed two (2) pre-revenue full-scale exercises for the South Coast Rail project.

Job Hazard Analysis:
Conducted numerous JHAs for the electrification of trains in and out of carhouses.

Carhouse & Garage PPE:
Identified gaps in current PPE programs for carhouse and bus garage personnel. Provided recommendations based on industry best practices and regulatory requirements.

Other Miscellaneous Activities:
Revised the mandatory PPE program for ROW access, supported the revision of operating rulebooks, developed new SRCP standards for PPE compliance, developed the agency’s Electrical Safety Program, and performed an in-depth safety culture assessment.

  • Developed a Confined Space Program (CSP)
  • Developed an Electrical Safety Program (ESP)
  • SMS training and Fire/Life/Safety support
  • Acted as a liaison to the MBTA Safety Review Panel 
  • Developed agency-wide security and emergency management training program
  • Updated system-wide Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) with follow up updates
  • Design and execution of subway, bus, and commuter rail full-scale exercises
  • Drone support for Green Line Extension safety and security initiatives
  • Fire Life Safety Systems Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Plan
  • Detailed code analysis for the storage of combustible materials
  • Drafting fire department pre-plan map books for the City of Boston
  • Revising facility-specific Security and Emergency Action Plans
  • Detailed egress analysis of legacy stations
  • 15% and 30% design review of the Quincy Bus Maintenance Facility
  • Drafting and implementing a voltage testing process for emergency responders
  • Performing design reviews of the North Station Expansion Project
  • Drafted and implemented SOPs specific to chemical weapons attacks
  • Participated as responding members to the State EOC (SEOC)
  • Drafted program language for Severe Weather Operations
  • Led the design and execution of Full-Scale and Table-Top exercises for subway and commuter rail services
  • Drafted program language for Severe Weather Operations
  • Led the design and execution of Full-Scale and Table-Top exercises for subway and commuter rail services
  • Develop new Safety Rules Compliance Program processes specific to PPE monitoring
  • Executed the agency-wide security and emergency management training program


Provide support in their efforts to address the following two (2) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Special Directive No. 22-4.

  • Risk-Based Monitoring
  • Rule Compliance Program Development
  • Data analysis
  • Internal Auditing
  • Safety Management System (SMS)
  • OSHA Standards
  • Drafted new requirements for standardized Right-of-Way and car-house PPE
  • Developed new Safety Rules Compliance Program processes specific to PPE monitoring.