Metropolitan Transit Authority (METRO-HRT)

Houston, TX


Project Status: Completed

Timeline: 2010 – 2018

Services Provided:

  • Security
  • Safety Certification
  • Emergency Management
  • Operational Readiness

Projects Completed

Provide Light Rail accident analysis services to identify potential causes by reviewing documents, conducting site visits, and observing activities along the full alignment. Support services include draft/final reports with findings and recommendations:

  • Reviewed documents, accident reports, completed analysis, and draft reports of findings and recommendations
  • Reviewed available incident data and information and applied our expertise to determine causative factors and assert why METRO continues to have a higher accident rate
  • Reviewed historical near miss and accident data from METRORail collisions with vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists
  • Reviewed accident and near-miss data and safety mitigation efforts from these similar systems
  • Reviewed prior safety assessments and audits of the Metrorail system
  • Conducted an on-site review of the Metrorail system to review further the causative factors of Metrorail collisions to determine factors attributing to the high accident rate
  • Reviewed safety mitigations inherent in the system design and install additional mitigations to reduce or prevent Metrorail collisions
  • Reviewed automobile, pedestrian, and bicyclist regional crash data in each of the defined areas compared to the Houston region
  • Reviewed insurance rates or statistics compiled by the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety
  • Reviewed crash mitigation actions taken in similar properties compared with those actions taken in Houston


Provide Safety and Security Certification support services for the HRT Light Rail Corridor Projects (North, East, Southeast and downtown Corridors):

  • Safety and Security Design Criteria Conformance Checklist verification
  • Construction specification conformance checklists verification for the civil, systems, and integrated testing for the remaining corridors

Issued interim and final certification certificates for the following:

  • North Corridor; civil, stations, and systems
  • East Corridor; civil, stations, and systems
  • Southeast Corridor; civil, stations, and systems
  • Downtown Corridor; civil, stations, and systems
  • Storage and Inspections (S&I) maintenance facility and rail yard
  • Vehicle storage yard with the administrative building
  • The new Rail Operational Center (ROC) at Tran star
  • Partial certification of Segment 1 on the East Corridor
  • Active Safety and Security Certification Review Committee (SSCRC)
  • Certification close-out year
  • Security and Emergency Management Preparedness Capabilities Assessment
  • Operating and Support Hazard Analysis (OSHA)