MICC CCTV Contract with WMATA

Security video cameras are widely deployed across WMATA, covering administrative buildings, maintenance facilities, and vehicle fleets. Like many of its peers, WMAT’s use of video was centered on deterring criminal activity, aiding employee and customer safety, and supporting investigations and legal cases.

With the coming launch of WMATA’s new Metro Integrated Command and Communications (MICC) Center, WMATA embraced a unique opportunity to rethink its use of video and leverage it in new ways to enhance not only public safety but also operational performance, situational awareness, maintenance, and incident response. Be it tunnel intrusions, platform crowding, critical repairs, or medical emergencies – video can improve organizational speed, accuracy, and effectiveness.

WMATA turned to K&J Consulting and our extensive experience with enterprise video programs and operations to:

  1. Improve technological integration of video systems
  2. Incorporate video as a tool in various organizational workflows
  3. Consolidate units with video and related responsibilities
  4. Build out real-time video and alarm monitoring capabilities
  5. Streamline incident identification, understanding, and response

K&J assistance is ongoing and has spanned hiring, communications, policies and SOPs, and physical space design. Our team is working with multiple stakeholders and departments under senior leadership direction to put WMATA at the forefront of the industry in this area.

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